Dr. Tarik M.T. Alsalama

Years of Experience: more than 30 years
Nationality: Newzealand
Languages Known: Arabic, English, German


Dr Tarik Al Salamma is consultant in paediatrics .He is awarded the following specialization degrees

  1. Facharzt in paediatrics(Austrian Board of Specialization ) Vienna University,Austria
  2. Post -Graduate diploma in paediatric (Auckland,NZ)
  3. Post-Graduate in medical certificate in tropical and infectious diseases (Otago medical Collage NZ)
  4. My expertize in different teaching hospitals of several countries.
  5. In Medical city of Baghdad,Glanzing Hospital and Wilhelminen Teaching
  6. Hospitals,Vienna,Austria.Emirates Hospital ,Newzland Teaching Hospital
  7. (NZ),Lecturer in Auckland University (AUT)NZ


  • Diagnosis & Treatment of
  • Cheast disease and infection bronchial Athma
  • Follow up and treatment of Kindey disease
  • Diagnosis and follow up of heart and congenital heart disease (AUT)
  • Follow up the children growth vaccine
  • Diagnosis and treatment of infectiouse disease.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases


  • Member in American Medical Society
  • Fellow in Vienna academy of postgraduate Medical Education and research F.V.M.A


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