Dr. Hanaa Mohamed Alskaf

Years of Experience: more than 19 years
Nationality: Syria
Languages Known: Arabic, English


  • Dr. Hanaa alskaf Consultant in Pediatrics and holds the Arab Board Certificate in Pediatrics and Neonatology since 2005 (Syria-damascs)
  • She obtained a specialty in pediatrics from the Syrian Ministry of Health since 2005.
  • Syrian Board Certificate since 2006
  • Pediatric consultant evaluation from the UAE Ministry of Health since 2016.
  • She holds an early childhood nutrition course from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
  • Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation course for children and infants(pals) and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation course for adults.
  • Experience in the field of pediatrics and neonatology in government and private hospitals in Damascus from 2001 until 2014.
    And experience in the field of pediatrics in the UAE from 2014 until the present time.


  • Diagnosing and treating all medical conditions in children from birth until the age of 14 years (such as respiratory, allergic, digestive,hematolgy or infectious diseases) by conducting a careful clinical examination and requesting laboratory or radiological investigations according to the condition of each child to reach the correct diagnosis and treatment.
  • Treating emergency cases in children by treating the child in the treatment room under the supervision of a pediatrician to achieve clinical stability in the child, such as cases of high fever, dehydration, or attacks of ashma or acute gastroentritis or allergy cases.
  • Neonatal examination and follow-up.
  • Giving vaccines according to the national program of the UAE Ministry of Health.
  • Monitoring the psychological and spiritual and motor development of children by conducting periodic examinations of children and detecting and treating the causes of delayed development.
  • Monitoring children’s physical growth, detecting and treating growth failure in children, and decide
    the nutritional plan for the child according to age and weight and child condition.
  • Diagnosis and treat of anemia and deficiency of vitamins which important for child development.
  • Referring medical cases that require consultation with other specialties in the hospital, such as surgery
    or orthopedic specialty, to reach the correct diagnosis.
  • Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on children or infants for cases that require emergency
    intervention in cooperation with a trained resuscitation team at the hospital.
  • Follow up and treat chronic diseases in children, such as allergic diseases, asthma, constipation,
    and hypothyroidism.
  • Detecting some behavioral disorders in children, such as autism, hyperactivity,
    and attention deficit disorder, and referring these cases to specialists.
  • Providing consultations and advice to parents regarding everything related to the child’s physical
    and spiritual and psychological health


  • Syrian Pediatric Society
  • Arab Board of health Specialization in Pediatrics.
  • Syrian Association of physicians


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